Dancing in Cyprus
An exciting combination of a wonderful holiday added to a great dance experience with the friendship of like minded people plus the excellent amenities and comfort of a 4* hotel, ideally situated on the idyllic shore of the Mediterranean with their own sandy beaches and resplendent gardens.
4* Pioneer Beach Hotel, Paphos, offers guests the excellent amenities and comfort of a 4* hotel beautifully situated on the idyllic shores of the Mediterranean with its own sandy beach and resplendent gardens. This delightful island has a friendly welcome to match its all year round sunshine and is beautifully situated on the beach just outside Paphos.
Please download the leaflet for details of an outstanding range of options. Book your holiday in a manner to suit you whether as a ‘ready-made’ package or as an ‘independent traveller’ where you book your own flights – the choice is yours.
5 - 12 May 2019
Your hosts are Philip Wylie and Christine who will be presenting Modern Ballroom, Latin American and some popular Social Sequence; Morning 'Learn & Improve' sessions include styling, movement, floorcraft and choreography. Enjoyable evening dances will include updates and help and guidance when needed.
Please contact Club Dance Holidays on 0207 0994816 (9–5Mon–Fri)
Email: Club Dance Holidays
Web: www.clubdanceholidays.com
Holiday and Dance 01895 632143 or email info@holidayanddance.co.uk
summary of dance holidays, dance breaks and festivals
For details of holidays and to download individual leaflets
Details of Dances and Dinner Dances in London, Home Counties and Nationwide!